European Arthouse Cinema Day REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN!

Kérjük azokat a mozikat, amelyek programjukkal idén is csatlakozni kívánnak az EURÓPAI ART MOZI NAPHOZ – reméljük, minden mozi így dönt – , regisztráljanak a CICAE levelében található registration/inscription feliratra kattintva!

Csatlakozásukat jelezzék Vajda Melindánál az Art-Mozi Egyesület titkáránál is:

Dear Friends,

Join us for the 4th edition of the European Arthouse Cinema Day, an annual cinematographic rendezvous which aims to increase the importance and visibility of arthouse cinemas. It is an occasion to affirm film theatres as meeting points in local communities in order to highlight the work you all do and your everyday commitment to championing demanding and original programming for all audiences.

Fill in the form (available in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian) to participate in the event and and share with us your first wishes, ideas and comments for the upcoming edition.


To exchange ideas with your fellow exhibitors about what you want and what you can do on this day, please join the dedicated Facebook group!

For additional information please contact:
Olimpia Pont Cháfer, Project Manager –

We count on you!

Kind regards,

The CICAE team